Congratulations to the 6 teams who competed in Indianapolis at the Midwest Championships. The 18s Advanced Team won the Midwest and qualified for Nationals for the 2nd straight year.
Congratulations to Angela Li, 10s Adv Sportsmanship Winner.
18s Adv - 1st Place
Casey Cempre, Eric Vannatta, Jeffery Melvin, Ashley Thai, Elaine Cloern, Olivia Ott, Rachel Morales.
18s Int - 3rd Place
Bryan Wang, Jared Judson, Ryan Bibo, Adrien Leatherwood, Annie Lavin, Corey Naim, Deepa Manda, Kelley Jiang
14s Adv - 3rd Place
C.J. Cash, Patrick Liu, Robert Cash, Rohith Koneru, Alex Cash, Ashley Tan, Beniva Ganther, Olivia Kompa
14s Int
Chris Zhu, Eric Dong, Eric Wang, Jason Liu, Michael Lin, Anna Grumman, Katherine Guan, Nicole Holman
12s Adv - 2nd Place
Alex Dabek, Jack Dabek, Robert Dong, Claire Dean, Christina Yang, Melinda Wang, Paige Kompa, Sarina Xie
10s Adv - 2nd Place
Gordan Liu, Griffin Biernat, Jacob Patterson, Julian Patterson, Angela Li, Evelyn Holman, Neha Dudipala